Yeah... its release day again!! Depth Charge: Maria, Maria, book one of my Depth Charge series, from Loose Id, is now available... go forth and indulge!!!
The Paranormal Erotic World of Brindle Chase
Yeah... its release day again!! Depth Charge: Maria, Maria, book one of my Depth Charge series, from Loose Id, is now available... go forth and indulge!!!
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The Goddess Next Door
By Brindle Chase
Gerald wiped the cool water from his body and waded to the pool’s edge. God, that felt good. The humidity was suffocating and the summer heat relentless. Another scorcher. The new in-ground pool was the best investment he’d ever made.
He ran his fingers through the dark wet tangles atop his head and stepped out of the water. Within seconds, the moist warm air had him sweating again. He poured a tall glass of lemonade and sucked down half. It hit the spot. He sat on the edge of the pool and let his feet dangle in its cooling waters. Much better, indeed.
“Howdy, neighbor.”
Annabelle’s crystalline voice floated down to his ears. Hearing it brought a smile to his face. He looked up and flashed a smile at her peeking over the fence they shared. Damn, she was gorgeous.
Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds in the brilliant sun, her smile wide, playful and bright. She had her long blonde hair rolled up in a bun and the perspiration dotted along her hairline only made her all the more sexy.
“Hey, Anna.”
“How’s the new pool?”
Gerald chuckled. She’d always been nice to him, but she was out of his league, and he knew it. He was positive she knew it too. Every conversation they’d had, he had initiated, and she had politely responded. This was a first. But then, he was the only one in the neighborhood with a pool, and last he checked, the thermometer said ninety-eight.
“It’s awesome.”
“I bet. It’s a scorcher today.”
She was artfully trying to obtain an invitation. If she only knew how badly he wanted to see her in a bathing suit, dripping wet. But she was too polite to invite herself.
Gerald took a deep breath and summoned all the courage he could muster. It was to use his pool, but asking her over seemed an impossible request. A chance of a lifetime. If nothing more than to see her half naked and feed his fantasies more, he swallowed and made his play.
“I’ve got lemonade too if you wanna come over and cool off.”
“Really?” Her eyes lit up and her intoxicating smile widened. Just the sight of it sent a surge of arousal through him.
“Sure. Come on over.”
“Thank you, Gerry. Be right there.”
He waited until her shadow through the wooden slats of the fence disappeared before he sprang up and checked his hair in the window’s reflection. He tousled it quickly, then ran into his house to fetch a second glass.
Returning to his backyard, he heard the slap of her flip-flops approaching, and he dashed to the gate and opened it. The door swung inward and the vision it brought staggered him.
Annabelle’s long hair was loose and floating down and her white bikini was tiny. It sculpted her slender curves in ways he’d imagined and jacked off envisioning all too often. The little swimsuit’s stark white was a beautiful contrast to her tan skin. She was so fricking hot. A goddess. She smiled up at him and he fought for breath.
“Sure, that’d be great.”
He stepped inward, allowing her to pass, and latched the gate behind them. Scrambling, he ran past her, and poured her a glass with shaking hands. He bit his lip, trying to regain his composure. Turning to her, her smile kicked the wind from his chest once more, and she took the glass and drank from it.
He watched as the world slowed. Her head tilted back, hand raised, and poured the contents into her supple, luscious mouth. His cock lurched in response and he fumbled with his own glass, turning from her in embarrassment. Thankful for the thickness of his long khaki shorts, he faked a cough, and turned back.
“Mmmmm. Just the thing. Thanks, Gerry.”
“You―you’re welcome.” He managed to sputter a reply and forced his gaze to remain on her and not drop to the teeny top barely containing her pert little swells. His nerves went haywire every time she was near.
She took another drink. Her small pink tongue flicked out and licked the sweat misted across her upper lip and he flinched. His cock swelled more and he quickly took a seat, allowing the billowed folds of his shorts to disguise his throbbing erection.
Annabelle flipped her head back over her shoulder and grinned. It was dazzling to behold and he could only grin right back.
“May I?”
She was asking to get in his pool, he realized as he stared at her, struggling with the urge to survey her rocking body. The last thing he wanted to do now was creep her out.
“Oh. Yeah, of course.”
She turned and he immediately stuffed his fist into my mouth and bit down on his knuckles. The bottom to her bikini was not quite a thong, but definitely not Granny approved. The white material bunched between her sculpted ass cheeks, and summoned the delusion it was his cock wedged there. He choked off a groan and watched in a trance as she dove in.
With Annabelle under water, he used the moment to shift his aching dick to the left and down the legs of his shorts. In a rush of cascading white water, she surfaced, flinging her long wet hair back. It was like a scene from a movie.
She wiped the long shimmering strands slick against her skull and flashed him a grin over her shoulder. The white of her swimsuit was wet and now semi-sheer. Her dark areolas demanded his attention. Unable to resist, he surrendered his gaze to drink in the heavenly vision.
“God. That feels so good.”
“Yeah…” But my cock’s going to explode any second now.
Annabelle gave him another bright smile and waded to the steps at the far end. Gerald had no more resistance. It was completely unfair. She was so fucking gorgeous and practically naked. How could he not stare?
She emerged from the pool, her golden skin glistening with rivulets of water, and walked slowly around the pool. Still staring like a damn fool, he fumbled with his glass, barely managing not to spill it, and took a long drink. The iced lemonade did nothing to quench the fires burning through him.
Her brilliant green gaze remained fixed on him, her pink full lips still grinning playfully. With a sensual grace, her long tanned legs brought her to him. Stopping right in front of him, she picked up her glass and took a slow drink.
Her wet suit hugged every nuance of her incredible body. Dark nipples, hard as rocks, poked out at him. A veiled thin thatch of brown hair aimed straight down the small vee of her bottoms to the crevice of delight between her legs. Swallowing hard, he tore his gaze from her body and managed a bashful smile.
“Thanks for letting me cool off in your pool,” she said, her soft voice turned husky and sensual. Was she teasing him? Could she tell he had a gigantic hard-on twitching between his legs for her? She set her glass down and then took his from his hand. Gerald stared at her and she set his aside.
Continued in part two on Sunday, 7/24/11... exclusively at Red Lipstick Journals. See you there!
Princess Briareth’lianna traverses Drearwood forest every full moon for the chase. Her heart pounds rapid and furious in her Elvin chest as Daeven, the sexy human werewolf tracks her with bestial hunger. A hundred times she has escaped the dark and incredibly hot wereling, but the adrenaline-laden lust that scorches her veins each time leaves her yearning to know what would be if caught. His ravenous need and powerful body could destroy her or engulf them both in the fire that fuels her erotic dreams.
Visions of the beautiful and exotic Briareth’lianna torment Daeven with sexual promise every night that passes between each lunar cycle. Their game of cat and mouse had long become more for him. To pin her in his arms and taste her, just once, he would risk a forbidden love between Elf and Human. This night, he vows she will be his.
My real name is Katherine and the abbreviated version they used didn’t bother me. I responded to a lot of names. Katherine, Kathy, Kat, Kate, Cop, Bitch. I nodded and slammed shut my door. Greg always let me take the wet work. We both understood I was better at it.
“Roger that,” I said and took a sip from my espresso.
Available at Amazon * Barnes & Nobles * ARe * Smashwords
As if on queue in a dark midnight fantasy, I felt a draft from my bedroom window. I looked up and the six paned doors were wide open. The soft champagne linen drapes ruffled against the winter breeze as it poured into my room. I sat up, not feeling the cold air. No, I was burning up. Alexander was here.
I couldn’t see him but I could sense him. Inside me a fire stoked, erupting through my limbs, and then he was on me. Cradling my body to his from behind, he swept me up and kissed my neck. It was like wet flames licking at my skin, and I broke out in goose bumps and shivered.
There were a million things I want to say to him. To cuss him out. To kick his ass, but all these thoughts were rendered insignificant. Unworthy.
My satin camisole lifted, its smooth silky fabric caressed me and tantalized my pebbled skin as it brushed across me. Up and off it went, and then he tossed it aside. I found myself once more, naked in his arms and nothing had ever felt so right. In spite of myself, I mewed deeply, encouraging him. Everything about him was wrong. His nature was a betrayal of everything I was sworn to protect. And yet, I was a slave to his desires and I knew, by my connection to his soul, I was the same for him.
His fingers tickled, squeezed, and strummed my nipples until I thought they might burst as they stretched and stiffened in arousal. With supple, fiery kisses, he laid a path down my neck as I found his thighs around mine and I caressed them, wanting the denim in my way to be gone.
I twisted against his persistent teasing, his hands inflaming my body everywhere with his sensual touches. His lips seared my skin. He kissed and sucked at my neck, and then my earlobe. His masculine heat thrust into the small of my back where I could not reach it. I broke free finally, turned, and then collapsed back into his arms. Our lips met, blazing our mouths in erotic bliss and my hand finally found my prize.
His erection jutted outward, stretching his jeans, and I tore away the buttons keeping it from my hand. It felt as though his thick, hard cock lunged into my grasp as I sprung it free and I captured it tenderly, stroking its velvety length. I loved how it trembled in my fingers. My gaze drifted into his, his hands cupped my ass, and our inner connection took over. I could sense his desire. True, unyielding, and it matched my own.
I pushed him back, knowing he would never ask, but I needed to pleasure him in any way that he wished. I curled up to his thigh, propping up on an elbow as I guided his throbbing hard-on into my mouth. The moan that escaped his mouth was haunting, deep, and gravelly and echoed across the room. His hips bucked and I pushed forward, taking more of him in, and let my tongue flicker across him everywhere I could reach.
Normally I would be embarrassed by the noises giving head could make, but I didn’t care. Only his pleasure mattered. The slurping suction was followed by a wet popping sound as I withdrew, his cock pulsing in my hand, and I gazed up at him. Black eyes met mine, shimmering with desire, with satiation and need.
Encouraged by the ecstasy on his face, I stroked him a few times then took him back into my mouth. I could sense I was being too frail. He was immortal, powerful in ways humans could not imagine. I had no reason to hold back, so I unleashed with everything I had. Furiously I sucked his thickness in and out of my mouth, as fast and hard as I could.
His body shuddered, his hips bucked, and it was none too late. My jaw felt like it might fall off, but I accomplished my goal. I withdrew and pumped his cock with my hand, aiming it for my breasts. Desperately I wanted see him come. To know I had pleasured him like no other before me.
His whole body shook violently, nearly dislodging me from his thigh I was curled up against and I kept gliding my hand up and down his shaft. His eyes rolled back into his head and I looked down, waiting to see my payoff. But it didn’t come. Convulsion after convulsion ripped through him and I could feel the ejaculatory muscles in his scrotum tense and flex. But no cum.
He collapsed back and I was confused. Was he faking the orgasm? I was a little bit offended after all I had done for him, that he would try to fake one. But it didn’t make sense. As far as I knew, the muscles involved, weren’t ones guys had much control over. Right?
I let go and watched him and I hoped not too warily. His chest rose and fell, hard and sharply with deep inhales of breath. I could feel his leg tremble beneath me. Every reaction in his body said he had climaxed with severe intensity, but without any proof. I was mesmerized by his beauty as he lay their trying to recuperate, but a little irritation kept creeping back into my thoughts. Had he come? And before I could render a rational thought, my mouth slipped.
“Did you come?”
He gasped in another breath and nodded, his black eyes opened, and gleamed down at me. His hand tugged at my shoulder and then pulled me up to him.
“Shhhh,” he cut me off. “I came, like never before. Vampires. We. How should I say? We do not produce sperm.” He said between heavy breaths.
Instantly, I felt at ease, my concern melted away, and I snuggled up against him. Seeing him so thoroughly sated was a high I had never experienced before. Nothing was more beautiful to me, than his face etched with ecstasy. I could feel it through our bond.
As the Fourth of July nears, I like to remind my fellow Americans what it means to be free. Freedom is quite easy to define, but so hard it seems for many to allow. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And we will always have those inalienable rights, so long as we understand our rights do not supersede those of another.
Freedom is not forcing your religion onto others. That is tyranny. It is the opposite of freedom. It is the opposite of what our founding fathers intended with the Constitution. I ask you to remember your freedoms only exist if we allow others theirs. If you tread on, or attempt to constrain others, their inalienable rights, you forfeit yours, because before too long, someone is forcing their religion on you, telling you what you can believe in, and they come with a gun pointed at your head.
Remember it was Hitler who forced one religion on the German People. It was the Spanish Inquisitions that forced one religion onto others. And so on. Our history is riddled with the oppression of others and it begins the very instant you believe your beliefs are right and those who do not believe as you do, are wrong.
Honor those who fight for your freedom and honor your neighbor’s right to freedom, even if they are different than yours. Diversity is our strength. Diversity is American. Have a safe and joyous Fourth of July.